Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tastes Like Chicken

On the heels of K's experience with "chicken ice cream," she's now decided that just about everything tastes like chicken. Cheerios. Potatoes. Whatever. She will not be dissuaded.

Also, I offered her a bite of my soggy Grape Nuts this morning, and plopped some in her empty cereal bowl. She promptly decided that it looked like poo, and told me so (truthfully, it sort-of did look like poo). And yet, she still tasted it. I'm not sure whether to feel happy that she tried something I gave her, trusting me to not give her something gross, or mortified that she was willing to eat something that looked like poo to her. I think I'm going to choose door number one on that.


Kara said...

My brother called EVERYTHING chicken when he was little. All meats and all other foods. "MOOM, I WANT SOME CHICKEN" - and we'd have no clue what he was talking about.

At least Katherine is a bit more expressive!!

Alli said...

Mmmm...poo grape nuts! :)