Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Katherine's Latest Sayings

Lately, Katherine has been saying she wants to "By to you." What she means is that she wants to sit by me. It's a combo of "next to you" and "by you," but without the "sit" portion.

She's also taken to saying "I can't" when she doesn't want to do something. I presume she picked this up from me, as I've had to say that to her quite a few times when my hands are full with Jillian. She's a big fan of trying to boss us around, too, so we're working on letting her know that she is NOT the boss. Easier said than done. :) She really is a sweet girl, though. If only she wasn't quite so much of a mommy's girl these days. I think she's decided that every time she says my name, it must be in triplicate. And, she must think daddy has cooties or something. *siiiiiiiigh*

1 comment:

Alli said...

Ha! Gotta love those smart, bossy kids. I have one of those myself. You can try to corral it and shape it as much as possible, but the truth is, it is an ingrained part of their personalities and it will never completely go away. First born quality, maybe? :)

Cute pics, by the way!